23 July 2009

My 3-card reading

Was feeling down about some stuff, personal and career, so decided to do a card reading(something that I've not been doing for very very long but believe strongly in)

Here's my 1st card:
The Problem Power Struggle
from the Relationship Suit

Key concept: Attempting to get needs met; resisting another; being right; avoiding the next step

Power struggle is an attempt to get another to do things the way you want, so your needs will be met. If you win the power struggle and are able to use the other person in this way, they, having felt that they’ve lost, will seek to gain control once again. If somebody close to you loses in a power struggle with you, they go into sacrifice (see card 11), your relationship will suffer and you will also be a loser and will now have to carry them. So, if your partner (in the struggle) loses, you will have to pay the bill. Power struggle is an attempt to be right which arises from a failure to realise that the energies and perspectives of both integrate. It is actually a way of turning in the wrong direction in order to get your needs met (turning to your partner rather than taking your own next step). If you choose to move forward instead, you will reach a new level of understanding; then your partner (who seems to be your opponent) will automatically move up to the next level with you. Both your needs would then be met in this new level of joining. This is the principle of partnership: when one partner steps forward, both get the benefit. Power struggle is a projection of a conflict inside you. Generated by fear and not having needs met, it actually compounds the conflict within.

Using the card: If you get this card today, you are asked to take a look at your unsuccessful strategies for success, and now move forward. Many power struggles are a fight to protect old heartbreaks, but this strategy actually has a way of backfiring and bringing them up ‘in disguise’ in current situations. Any area you are not succeeding in demonstrates a power struggle. Many of these may be denied, hidden or so old that you are no longer aware of them. You project out on to your opponent the part of your mind you most deny and/or are most unaware of. Any problem is a form of power struggle with a significant person who may be in your present life but who also reflects someone from your past. Once you realise what the power struggle is about, you can begin to communicate, and to bridge the two sides. You can join the other person (this does not necessarily mean you are agreeing with their position), which, in some cases, may mean a joining with the energy of someone from the past. Forgiveness and trust also work well in power struggle situations. Both energies are needed for success. Resolution of the power struggle brings peace – which generates all good things, including joy, abundance and inspiration.

2nd card - The way through

The Way Through Forgiveness
from the Healing Suit

Key concept: Resolving hidden guilt in oneself; apologising for mistaken blame; reconnecting; true understanding; giving forth

This is another core healing principle: forgiveness is really self-forgiveness. If the world is simply a reflection of your own mind, if all blame and judgement are projections of your own guilt and self-attack, then forgiveness of others releases both the others and the subconscious guilt within you. Guilt is really a form of arrogance which makes life all about oneself, rather than just learning the lesson, correcting the mistake and moving on. Forgiveness puts things in perspective and brings back innocence. It returns life to ease, flow and confidence. Forgiveness is not a form of winning the competition while another fails. Nor is it about condescension or superiority. It is not deigning to grant the other mercy - which is really superiority (hidden judgement and overcompensation for guilt and feelings of inadequacy) and competition (distraction from success and fear of the next step). We fear forgiveness because we feel that we would be locked into a position of sacrifice or wounding. We feel that we are justified in our grievance or anger and that it would be stupid to give this up. Yet grievances are never about what someone else has done but in fact are about what we have not forgiven ourselves for. We are actually holding our past against them. No situation can fail unless we fail to give something. Forgiveness is simply reconnection. It is an apology for blaming others for 'crimes' you thought that you had committed. Forgiveness is the realisation that it was all just a mistake, and true understanding and a new healed situation appear. In forgiveness you finally get to give what was not given in the past. This heals you and the one being judged. One of the core dynamics of any problem is broken bonding, or separation. Guilt is the superglue of life which keeps us stuck in painful patterns and situations, while forgiveness is the solvent which releases us not only from our guilt, but also from our withdrawal, unworthiness and sacrifice, and from the feelings of deadness, exhaustion, difficulty, being stuck, valuelessness and overcompensation. As we are released from that which separates us, we are reconnected and the problem is solved.

Using the card: If you receive this card today, understand that it is important to motivate yourself to forgive, because what you don't forgive in any one person, you don't forgive in everyone, including yourself. This means that, without forgiveness, you will create distance - even with those you love the most. The power to change your situation is in your hands. Forgiveness is a choice which creates a new giving forth and a new receiving. Release your grievances so the hidden self-attack and lack of freedom will be released. If done by oneself, forgiveness is a difficult lesson, and self-forgiveness can be even harder. But you can ask your Higher Mind for help in accomplishing the forgiveness. While there are many beautiful forgiveness exercises, you could just as easily let it be done by grace. Realise that if you are blaming yourself or others, the truth is being blurred. Choose the truth. Ask to know it. Ask for the forgiveness to occur. This may happen layer by layer, or it may occur all at once. In other words, you can ask for a miracle and the whole situation can be seen in a new light.

3rd card - The Gift
The Gift Sexuality
from the Gift Suit

Key concept: A new level of vitality, naturalness, love, communication and connection

Sexuality as a Gift card is about an expression of love and communication. It means a whole new emphasis of connection with your partner. If it is about yourself, it speaks of a new level of acceptance and admittance of your sexual energy. This will give you a new expression in sexuality and naturally add to your vitality, attractiveness and flow. It will bring a natural charisma and connection between you and your partner, or between you and those around you. True joining in sex creates healing and love.

Using the card: Receiving the Sexuality card suggests a new level of sexuality, innocence, expression, naturalness and connection in sex – to yourself and to others. Not only does it mean that this could be your lucky night, but also that your enjoyment of life is certainly on the increase. This card is both sweet and sassy. It doesn’t necessarily mean sex, but it does mean a new richness and naturalness for yourself in life generally and in joining with your partner. If you don’t have a partner at present, this card means you will have a level of openness toward a new one. If there is a major block in your life and the Sexuality card is the response to it, then the block represents a form of control and your fear of your sexuality. Owning your sexuality as a natural gift increases your confidence, play and irresistability. This card, joined with integrity, brings a strong leadership element into your life, and into the lives of those around you.

Hmmm.. after going thru this, got abit more clarity in my tots.. ;) Yeah baby yeah!