29 November 2009

Something to ponder

Hmmm.. was just thinking about a qns:
If you are leading a happy life right now and u realised that by acting on something u may change it for the better and may lead a more fulfiling life after OR maybe u will lose this current life? What will u all do? Will you all act on the matter or dun take the risk and continue with this happy life?

Its not about upgrading to something materialistically, but more of the spiritually/mentally. Something you felt that will make your life fuller. What will you guys do?? Was thinking if I am faced with such a situation, I will try to act on it, but also dont wanna rock the boat, coz if I'm contented, then shall let life be, live and let die. Let my trust and commitment guide me in life, let my higher mind (that someone up there) to guide me and move me to true happiness and also contentment. =)

Anyway, would love to hear about your views. =)

I know I stopped my little project, but was thinking how can I realistically continue on this self-healing project of mine. Coz to rush out the healing process, I ended forgeting what I learnt already!!! OMG... dun fault me, I've got a feeling I may not be ready yet... :p

Anyway, some pictures to keep you entertained...

Test tube babies

Silly us, lovely us

Do u need that long to "grab" a meal?? Wrong grammar!!! Why cant it be "Enjoy a delicious meal in 5 mins"?


♥ Lady Shaura ♥ said...

My view ....
You'll only lead this life ONCE!

Too short for any "what ifs" or regrets ...

Enuff said ...

Shingo T said...

No pain no gain.

It's like entrepenuership. One can either stay employed, work for the rest of your life but at least we don't have to worry even if the company we work in fails.

There's no right or wrong answer if we should try a breakthrough even though we are supposedly satisfied.

Are you in a risk-taking mood today? Nope for me, for now. But tomorrow is another story.

Evil-Lin said...

Hahaha thanx for the comments.. =) Looks like both are more chim than I can understand.. ;)

But thanx, I kind of get the feel of the ans, but as what we always say.. this is up to each individual. =)

:) said...

if u are truely happy/contented with ur life, u wouldn't feel the need to do something make it more fulfilling... if u realised that ur life might be more fulfilling, then something might be missing in ur current life... and i think that ur current life is not happy, but just dead and stable... so its all up to u... lead a good but dead life or an exciting but dangerous life?? ;)

just my 2 cents worth